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The Slingshot Method, by Greta Goforth L.Ac. (paperback)

The Slingshot Method, by Greta Goforth L.Ac. (paperback)

SKU: 36523641234523

The Slingshot Method: How to Overcome Adversity and Come Back Stronger, will show you how to use a traumatic, disempowering situation as a catalyst for change, self-empowerment, and living the life of your dreams. Trauma initially holds you back from living life to the fullest, but by using The Slingshot Method you will learn how to use trauma as a tool to launch you forward and take you further in life than you were before. Turn the worst thing that ever happened to you into the best thing that ever happened to you! Learn how to live a richer life on all levels, conquer your fears, and live from a place of loving empowerment. Learn how to do the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical work required to turn trauma and adversity into a platform for growth, inner strength, complete transformation, and living an awesome life. It is only by having life strip you to the bone that you can see who you really are, what you are capable of, and fully step into the power lying dormant within you. Learn how to become fearless, trust in life, open your heart, and manifest a life rich in wealth, living spaces, relationships, career satisfaction, free time, joy, and vital health. Everything you need is within you, this book shows you how to access that power and manifest it into action.


    170 pages, published 2019.


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